Online Test Series provide the opportunity to practice and prepare for various entrance exams from the comfort of home. The most popular online test series include JNU Entrance Exam, BHU Clerk/Librarian, IIT JAM, IPM Olympiads, B.Sc. & M.Sc. Entrance Examination, Delhi University M.Sc Physics Entrance Exam, JEXPO, Mass Communication, HSEE, LPU (NEST), Polytechnic Diploma, DSEU Common Entrance Test, Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), Current Affairs, Books, Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET) and Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences (SHUATS).
The JNU Entrance Exam is conducted for admission to various courses such as M.A (Geography), M.A Sociology, M.A Political Science, etc. BHU Clerk/Librarian, Junior Clerk and IIT JAM are conducted for admission to various undergraduate and postgraduate courses. IPM Olympiads, B.Sc. & M.Sc. Entrance Examination, Delhi University M.Sc Physics Entrance Exam, JEXPO, Mass Communication, HSEE, LPU (NEST), Polytechnic Diploma, DSEU Common Entrance Test, Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and Current Affairs are conducted for admission to various undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Central University Common Entrance Test (CUCET) and Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences (SHUATS) are conducted for admission to various undergraduate and postgraduate courses including Integrated MA and B.Sc. Hons. Agriculture (UG 2 – AGRI).
Online Test Series provide a comprehensive set of practice tests which are designed to help students prepare for various entrance exams. These tests cover a wide range of topics and provide practice questions and answer keys to help students understand the concepts and gain confidence in their preparation. Online Test Series also provide the opportunity to analyse performance and compare with peers to identify areas of improvement.
JNU Entrance Exam BHU Clerk / Librarian IIT JAM- IIT JAM (Mathematics)
- IIT JAM (Chemistry)
- IIT JAM (Biotechnology)
- IIT JAM (Mathematical Statistics)
- IIT JAM (Biological Science)
- IIT JAM (Geology)
- IIT JAM (Physics)